Time for Carpet Cleaning in Fairborn, OH


Sitting and watching celebrities walking down the red carpet for their work has been a delight. Unfortunately, it also reminded you that your own living room carpet needs cleaning since the red stain from the cranberry juice matches the celebrity red carpet. No amount of running to the store and buying products could undo what the cranberries did. Vacuuming the carpet weekly goes a long way to keeping a carpet in good shape. Carpets hide debris, food crumbs, mold, and mildew. When a stain happens, it has less opportunity to ingratiate itself into the deep fabric of the carpet. Most carpets initially have a chemical spray on it to help prevent staining. Over time the chemical wears off, and stains become harder to remove.


Doing regular carpet cleaning maintenance of vacuuming keeps other problems from cropping up. For cranberry stains, you need state of the art professional cleaning. You tried laundry detergent and rubbing alcohol, but the red dot remains. Of course, when guests come to your abode it is the topic of conversation. To change the conversation, talk to a professional carpet cleaner. They have specialized equipment to deal with tough stains. The equipment uses heat and pressure along with specific chemicals to rid the area of the cranberry spot. Treating the rest of carpet returns it to a like new state. Their process also restores the chemical coating that resisted staining before. Hiring professional cleaners remains cheaper than replacing the whole carpet.


Hiring professional Carpet Cleaning in Fairborn, OH for stains such as cranberry makes sense overall. It accomplishes the job, maintains the carpet, and the next time you watch celebrities move down a red carpet you will not see red but enjoy the show.