Solid Carpet Cleaning in Dayton, OH

Solid Carpet Cleaning in Dayton, OH


Did you know that spilled water can leave conspicuous spots on your precious carpet? Everybody usually ignores a little water spill now and then, as you think it's just water; it will dry off soon. Well, you couldn't be more wrong as water spots on the carpet look unsightly and multiple water spots can even mar the appearance of your costly rug. As homeowner troubled with water stain issues, read our guide on how to remove water spots from your carpet with remarkable ease, and no hassles at all. Gather your Carpet Cleaning in Dayton, OH supplies - an empty spray bottle, a clean microfiber cloth or a cotton washcloth, white vinegar and ironically, water.


Make a solution of warm water with vinegar with equal parts of each ingredient and fill up the spray bottle with it. Shake it up. Spray your Carpet Cleaning in Dayton, OH solution on the ugly looking water spots and then blot with a microfiber cloth or a pad of some sort to remove excess liquid. Repeat this step multiple times but don't rub it in harshly. Let the water soaked area dry up. Use a fan or blow dryer to speed up the process. Check if the water stain is gone or not. If no, then repeat the procedure till it is completely removed.


 Remove all the water spots on your carpet this way. Do not use the carpet till it is completely dry and stain free. Next time there is a water spill, act fast and blot it up before it dries to form a stain. For expert Carpet Cleaning in Dayton, OH, call our trained professional immediately to take care of all your carpets safely and efficiently.