Try To Do The Tile And Grout Cleaning in Xenia, OH

Try To Do The Tile And Grout Cleaning in Xenia, OH


Some people use home products to clean their tile or grout while others have professional Tile And Grout Cleaning in Xenia, OH. When cleaning your tile and grout using home products be sure it is not any type of product that will be harsh on your surfaces. An easy cleaning solution would be to wash it using warm water and a tough bristled brush. Just spray the warm water on the surface and scrub with a brush then rinse with clean water again. Sometimes this solution will not work for all instances though. When needing to clean a heavier mess of dirt or mild type stain then using water and vinegar will do the trick. Just mix half water and half vinegar in a spray bottle, spray on surface, then let it soak in for about five minutes. Scrub with a brush after soaking then Rinse with clean water.


 If you want a better home Tile And Grout Cleaning in Xenia, OH solution then mix baking soda and water together forming a paste. Apply the paste to your surface then spray it with the water and vinegar solution. When the foaming stops then scrub the surface down with a brush and rinse with clean water. Using hydrogen peroxide also is a good solution. Use it straight or mix it with baking soda and form a paste and use it that way.


 If there are tougher stains and more dirt then use store bought cleaners. When using these make sure to follow the directions and have the area well ventilated. Usually let the product sit for about ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing. Make sure to rinse with clean water so that no dirt gets on the surface again. To keep your tile and grout clean or strain free then it is best to clean it once a week by spraying it with vinegar and wiping it down good. If you want the best looking floor possible, then call our Tile And Grout Cleaning in Xenia, OH today!