Quality Pet Urine Removal in Bellbrook, OH

Quality Pet Urine Removal in Bellbrook, OH


According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, roughly 69% of homes have pets. Pets bring love to a family, but they may bring heck to the carpets of the home. Unfortunately, a pet owner will experience problems with pet urine or some type of pet odor. The following ideas will help pet owners with Pet Urine Removal in Bellbrook, OH caused by urine and kitty litter.


Remember, pet urine contains a large amount of ammonia, so do not use any cleaning product that may contain ammonia. Instead, mix equal parts of white vinegar and cool water. Then blot the area, rinse with additional cool water and let dry. Even armed with this home remedy may not be enough. Many pets often continue to urinate in the house due to stress, or some may even become incontinent. These animals and their owners would benefit from adding bicarbonate of soda to the animals water. This will help dilute the smell of the urine and the amount of the stain. Although stains are a problem, the smell can be an issue too.


A natural solution for Pet Urine Removal in Bellbrook, OH may be as simple as an open, sunny window. Sunshine has a natural bleaching action that will help eliminate a stain. The fresh air from the outside will also help lift out the smell. If the smell cannot be removed through using the sunshine and fresh air, the humansociety.org recommends buying a high-quality pet odor neutralizer from a local pet store. Please make sure to read all manufacturing detail to ensure that the neutralizer does not stain the carpet.