Pet Urine Removal in Centerville, OH

Pet Urine Removal in Centerville, OH


Pet urine can be a stinky problem in the home. It will linger in carpet and upholstery. Puppies and kitties are often the reason for this odor and stain problem. Potty training may take time for your pets to successfully succeed. Pets can take months to master the bathroom training process because they are little and their bladders are not mature enough to hold it adequately. During the potty training stage; there are going to be potty accidents. Here is one way that will get the right Pet Urine Removal in Centerville, OH.


Mix a 16 oz. bottle of hydrogen peroxide, one Teaspoon of dish liquid, and one Tablespoon of baking soda in a spray bottle. The solution can also be used in an upholstery or carpet shampooer as well. It is safe for pets to be around and will not hurt them. First, wipe up the urine with a paper towel or newspaper. Wipe up as much of the urine as possible. Spray the mixture on the pet urine spot and let it soak in for a couple of minutes. Then take a damp rag, sponge, or cloth and blot up the urine spot until it is almost dry. If it is Pet Urine Removal in Centerville, OH; the steps may need to be repeated to break up the urine in the fabric.


Once the urine stain has been dissolved; let the fabric air dry. Use the vacuum over the infected areas to remove any solution that may have been left behind on the carpet. The urine odor will be gone and any stains will be dissolved. You can use the mixture as a spritz spray on furniture and any other area that may have a urine odor from your pet. Keep the mixture in the spray bottle and use it when needed. The pet urine will be gone and the odor will be obsolete. If you need help with Pet Urine Removal in Centerville, OH contact us today.