Pet Odor Removal in Xenia, OH

Pet Odor Removal in Xenia, OH


Pets in the home can be a fun experience. Being able to watch them run around and play with them is a great experience for every pet owner. Often times pets will have accidents and use the bathroom on the carpet. Or they may get dirty going outside which can leave an odor in the home. Pet Odor Removal in Xenia, OH from the home is not has hard as it may seem. There are some easy steps that can be done to delete the pet odor and keep the floors and furniture clean.


Odor in carpet and furniture can leave a lingering smell. Vacuuming may not get rid of the stain or odor that can be left in the fabric. Stains that are left behind from your pet can be cleaned with a few simple supplies that you may have in your home already. You can use baking soda and white vinegar to clean and deodorize the carpet and furniture. Use a spray bottle and combine one teaspoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of water. Shake the bottle to ensure the mixture is dissolved properly.


Spray the area on the carpet or furniture that has been soiled from your pet. Let the mixture set for a few minutes to deeply get into the fabric. Take a damp cloth or sponge and blot the area that was soiled. The vinegar will break up the soiled area to make it easier to clean and the baking soda will odorize to remove the smell. This process may need to be completed more than once; depending on how bad the soil spot is. Once it is clean let it air dry. The final step is to vacuum the spot again to remove any lingering dirt or grime that was left from the cleaning solution. You can keep a spray bottle with the solution close by to treat any stains the freshly appear. The solution is pet-friendly, and your home will be free of pet odor. If you need professional Pet Odor Removal in Xenia, OH call us today.